Skillshare is a place I’ve got a huge amount of value from. I’ve done courses on Blender, illustration and even courses on how to record a video and speak to the camera. It is a fantastic platform that offers a massive range of ways to learn and level up your career. I have a course on Skillshare now, which I poured a lot of time and effort into and I think it’s really worth taking. But there are also hundreds of other courses there too. Sign up to Skillshare Via my Link to support my work and get access to my course and a treasure trove of other creators courses today.
In order to draw on the iPad effectively, I use Paperlike! It's a surface that you stick to the surface of the iPad and just like magic, it becomes like drawing on paper! Use my affiliate link here to support the channel and get an incredible upgrade to your drawing experience! Thanks!!
Benefits of Paperlike!
Natural Feel & Sound, Enhanced Precision & Control, Reduced Glare & Fingerprints, Minimal Wear & Tear
See more —->
Boords is a super useful bit of software for anyone Storyboarding, creating plans for books, getting down ideas for short films, and there are a whole load of resources for learning there too. It’s an amazing bit of software and I’d really recommend checking it out! And if you do with my link, you’ll be supporting what I do and adding a very powerful and useful tool to your toolkit. Link below